Executive Coaching & Leadership Development
Advancing your career requires that you learn new skills that weren't needed in the past. Boosting emotional intelligence and leadership skills will allow you to empower others, rather than do all the work on your own. Maximize your potential in your job or organization by learning how to be an extraordinary leader.
Executive coaching is ideal for:
C-Suite Managers
Emerging Leaders
When should I hire a coach?
Getting a promotion at work or running your own business is something to be proud of. Often times it is a business leader’s success in their job that leads to circumstances that they are ill prepared for. They find their new role requires skills that they either don’t have or haven’t had the chance to previously develop. Coaching can bridge the gap from where you currently are to where you need to be in order to experience success.
Coaching can be particularly effective in times of change for a business leader. This includes promotions, stretch assignments, and starting your own business. While you may be confident in your abilities to take on new tasks, you may feel that an independent sounding board would be beneficial in helping you achieve a new level of performance, especially if close confidants are now reporting to you. More so, you may recognize that succeeding in a new role requires skills that you have not needed to rely on in the past; a coach may help sharpen those skills, particularly when you need to do so on the fly.
Executive coaching is effective for business leaders who can say, “I want to get from here to there, but I’m not sure how to do it.” Coaching works best when you know what you want to accomplish, you are open to feedback, and desire creating positive change.
The Path to Extraordinary Leadership: Know-Do-Be.
Knowledge and change begins with self-awareness and awareness of what your employees and organization need from you. Doing includes planning and action steps to practice new skills and get feedback that allows you to adapt. Being is when successful habits become an authentic expression of who you are as a leader.
How does executive coaching work
Coaching is usually a 6 to 12-month relationship where you and your coach will assess your needs, create goals and an action plan, and then meticulously carry out your plan.
Coaching helps business leaders bring awareness to the patterns and themes in their life that limit them from actualizing their full potential. Coaching empowers business leaders to deepen their level of communication, integrity, commitment, and leadership.
Business leaders should seek coaching when they feel that a change in behavior or mindset—either for themselves or their team members—can make a significant difference in the long-term success of the organization.
Feedback is key to success
As individuals advance in their career, feedback becomes increasingly important, more infrequent, and more unreliable. The result is that many managers and executives plateau in critical interpersonal and leadership skills.
There is great demand in the workplace for immediate results and coaching can help to elicit comprehensive feedback and integrate feedback into the company culture.